Electrical fuse box with row of breakers

FAQ – Types of Electrical Fuses & How They Work

In this post, our Abbotsford electricians answer the most frequently asked questions about the types of fuses available, plus how they work and how they should be used properly. What Is A Fuse? Fuses are devices that allow the flow of standard electrical current and in some cases, a marginal percentage more. Although there are…

Ballast repair vs replacement image

Ballast Repair vs Replacement

If your light fixture isn’t working properly how can you tell if you should do a ballast repair vs ballast replacement? Without light fixture ballasts, our world would be a much darker place. Ballasts are utilized in street lamps, floodlighting, and other indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures for homes or businesses. How Do You Replace…

Infographic showing different types of light bulbs

LED vs Incandescent Lights – Myths & Truths

Ever since LED lights were first developed in the 1960s, there have been numerous myths about LED vs incandescent lights. That included myths about the effectiveness of LED lights, cost of ownership, reliability, and longevity. In this article, our Abbotsford electricians at Premium Electric hope to debunk the LED myths and present the LED lighting…

Hand turning off a power bar with 5 electrical plugs

10 Simple Rules to Follow for Extension Cord Safety

Be smart about electrical safety and follow these extension cord safety tips when using electrical extension cords outdoors or indoors. These electrical safety tips apply to the proper use of extension cords, power surge protectors, and electrical power strips in your home or in your place of business. 1. Avoid using extension cords near water,…

Electrical supplies - 5 tips for using outdoor outlet protectors

Outdoor Outlet Protector Tips by Premium Electric

For safety reasons, always use an outdoor outlet protector, especially since our electrical outlets are always exposed to our Pacific Northwest wet weather. Outdoor outlets can be just as susceptible as indoor outlets (if not more so) to electrical shorts, faults, and other electrical problems. Contact our electricians if you find any electrical outlet not…